
Friendly Sides :
Posted on 05.02.2014
After not updating the website (just the distro lists are updated regularly) I decided to update things more frequently and change a few things.
As you know, or at least as I've seen, Attack To Society DIY Distro and Label (ATS) and AsForOwnWords (radio, blog, photography) create a reaction from global society. From running the distro & label, creating radio programs, and doing a little blogging I've realized over the years (holy fuck this year I am gonna celebrate 11 years!) that nobody is really that interested in ideas about music anymore. So from now on Attack To Society will focus more on DIY Distro and other ideas. Spreading virus ect will remain for yourselves.
A new trade arrived at January 2014 from Spain.[New Comming Stuff]
- Usura: En Verga 7"EP (dbeat crust) info
- Ultimo Preso/Disease: Split 7" EP (powerviolence/d-beat) info
- Errör: Complete discography CD (crust metal)
Malazlar - Abolishing The Bordes From Below (Hardcore - Ankara/Turkey) and Hükmen Mağlup - s/t demo (Oi!/Punk - Eskişehir/Turkey) are reproduced and ready for everyone once again.
Gigs and Events of the Month - Bu ay olacak konserler ve aktiviteler
Look at the Noizine-hardcore/punk/ska/Oi!/grind/noise webzine from türkiye for upcoming gig/show news and many more!!!
Yeni konser/şov haberi ve daha fazlası için Noizine-hardcore/punk/ska/Oi!/grind/noise webzine'e bakın!!!
Olucak konserlerden ve aktivitelerden beni haberdar ederseniz sayfaya koymaktan mutluluk duyarım. If you send me gigs and events of the month, I will be happy and I will add it to site.
[..:Propoganda / News Archives:..]
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