Attack to Society :
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Stop the Violence Protest

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Attack to Society
Değişmezler :

  • Trades More Than Welcome!
  • Please look at contact page and send a e-mail to me before you send some stuff and money. - Lütfen birşey yollamadan önce contact sayfasına bakın ve bana e-mail atın.

  • Fuck You Nazi Scum!!!!!!!!!!!! No Lamers!

    Distros/Labels :
    -Turkish Distros/Labels-

    ASSAULTING MURDER ASSOCIATION Distro (AMA Tapes) (İstanbul, Turkey)
    ATS2 Distro (İstanbul, Turkey)
    Biberon Records - DIY LABEL (İstanbul, Turkey)
    Crackpot Distro (İstanbul, Turkey)
    Extreme Response Productions (İstanbul-Bursa, Turkey)
    Hammer Müzik (İstanbul, Turkey)
    Sometwo Production (İstanbul, Turkey)
    Sukk Productions and Distro (Bursa, Turkey)
    STIFFNECKEDproductions - MetalATTACK (İstanbul, Turkey)

    -WorldWide Distros/Labels-
    Aldi-Punk DIY Distro and Label (Germany)
    Alerta Antifascista (Germany)
    Chased By Fear (Sweden)
    Grodhaisn Productions (Czech Republic)
    Darbouka Records (France)
    Empty-Head DIY Label (Germany)
    Loud At Heart (Helsingborg, Sweden)
    Tian An Men 89
    Oldhat Records (Ukrain)
    Solo Para Punks (Spain)

    Bands :
    -Turkish Bands-

    Anal Extreme : Brutal Trashn' HC Band From Bursa/Turkey
    Decaying Purity : Grindcore from İstanbul/Turkey (RIP)
    Fatstar : Emo band from Eskişehir/Turkey
    Flatground : Hardcore-Punk band from Ankara/Turkey
    Kill-Frenzy : Metalcore band from İstanbul/Turkey
    Kirli Çoraplar : Heartbreak oldschool punk band from Ankara/Turkey (RIP)
    Life Lock : Hardcore punk from İstanbul/Turkey
    Moribund Youth a.k.a. Turmoil : Turkish punk-hardcore pioneers (1990-1994). If they haven't been, we aren't here. God will be save Moribund Youth a.k.a. Turmoil 's soul.
    Not Made In China : Oldschool anarco punk band from İstanbul/Turkey
    PickPocket : Emo band from İstanbul/Turkey
    Radical Noise : Old web-side of most known Turkish hardcore band. They want to re-unite.
    Rashit : ex-oldschool anarco punk band from İstanbul/Turkey (not they are popular punk band)
    Rashit : I think it is a fan site but they are working with Rashit members too.
    Possible MOOD Disorder : PMD was founded by ex-Radical Noise members after RN splited up. The band gave some concerts in Turkey after Radical Noise want to re-unite and PMD splited up. :)
    The Climb : Emo/rock band from İstanbul/Turkey
    UÇK Grind : Grindcore band from İstanbul/Turkey
    Zardanadam : Underground Rock band from İstanbul/Turkey
    Zibidiler : Street Punk band from Ankara/Turkey

    -WoldWide Bands-
    Cria Cuervos : all girl punk band from France
    KAFKA COLLECTIVE : Hardcore band from Italy
    Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium : Porngoregrind band from Ukrain
    Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium : Second and real web-side of NV

    Fanzines, Magazines, Webzines and Scenes Reports :

    ..noizine.. : Hardcore punk crust noise webzine from Turkey
    Gözetleniyoruz : Turkish webzine and fanzine from Çorlu/Turkey. They have started their issues, when their manucipality has put cameras in the streets to watch peoples' action. We remember again, that we aren't free in this fuckin' country!
    156 ISSUE : English fanzine from Turkey (Crackpot Records)
    Lilith Kollektifi

    Actions, Skinheads and Information Sides :

    RASH Ankara : Red Anarchist Skinheads from Ankara/Turkey
    Romagna Skinheads : Skinheads from Romagna, Italy
    Anti-Fascist Skinhead Alliance
    Skinhead Girl Warrior

    Others :

    Armenian Genocide Lie

    Web Games :

    Liar Bush Game

    no copyright shit
    Since September 2003